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As an internationally recognised coach and coach educator, also operating across snowsports disciplines and an international role in sport governance I am in a unique position to advise facility developers and operators on the management, operation and design of facilities. Additionally, I have a particular expertise in the supply of ski equipment, leading the BSI group responsible for snowsports. BSI is the UK National Standards Body, recognised as such by ISO and the UK Government..

  • I am willing to spend my own time in advance of any formal relationship with a prospective client and on strict NDA terms to informally discuss plans and areas of co-operation

  • I am able to balance the snowsports aspects of any facility operation with the need for a facility to be commercially viable. My focus is both on the quality of experience for the customer and identifying and maximising profit centres for any operator

  • My integration into a development team at the start of the design stage allows input across the team, teasing out snowsport specific questions which may not be obvious to even the most experience leisure architect and engineer.

  • I have no affiliation with any single technology, instead seeking to determine the most appropriate solutions for the facility whether surface, uplift, staffing or equipment.

  • I am experienced in working with fellow professionals, producing honest and objective feasibility studies, analysing and willing to check and challenge assumptions.

  • Many current operators have used my services to assess risk and to identify injury hotspots, and drill down to the cause reducing and mitigating ongoing problems.

  • I can assist in staff training and the implementation of fully ISO compliant equipment supply chains, reviewing current operations and identifying vulnerabilities.

  • I have also been instructed by various organisations with a view to assessing the viability of current facility operations. Advice and opinions are clearly given and objectively delivered, avoiding any sentimentality.

© 2020 byChris Exall

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